Florence Nightingale Lodge No.706
Welcome to
Florence Nightingale - the Almoner's Lodge
Welcome to
Florence Nightingale - the Almoner's Lodge
Florence Nightingale Lodge was formed in 1857 and from its success over many years soon established itself as a leading lodge, unfortunately in later years, like a lot of lodges, it found difficulty in attracting new members and there was every likeliehood of the lodge having to hand their Warrant in.

Florence NightingaleIn 2014 the Almoners team were looking to form a new lodge to attract members who were Almoners with a view to having a strong base to be able to discuss and communicate ideas for the welfare of brethren not only in London but throughout the Provinces. It therefore seemed a really good idea to effectively take over the Florence Nightingale Lodge for this purpose as they were suffering with very few members and the name beautifully expressed the caring nature the lodge would in future stand for.

Florence Nightingale Lodge was named for the dual purpose of commemorating the Crimean War and handing down to posterity (Masonically) the name of that distinguished Lady, who devoted her time and talents to alleviate the sufferings of our brave soldiers in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale Lodge is now a Lodge designed and run specifically for the benefit of Almoners, and Visiting Brothers.

We meet on three occasions in the year, the third Monday in October (Installation) and the third Mondays in January and April. No degrees are worked, and other than at the Installation meeting, it is intended that we invite speakers to address us on all aspects of our work as Almoners and Visiting Brothers. Thereby we improve our knowledge and our ability to serve those in need. It also presents a wonderful opportunity for us, as a group of like-minded Brethren, to exchange experiences and get to know one another.

Over the past few years we have received a number of talks including the following speakers, Patrick Gray a past Master and former Metropolitan Welfare Officer, who has given a talk entitled 'The Developing Role of the Visiting Brother'. V.W. Brother Chris Caine whose subject 'Understanding Dementia', gave us a most valuable and in depth understanding of Alzheimer’s and related conditions. Also representatives of Macmillan Cancer Support, and from Ruth Dunkin of the Stroke Association entitled 'The work of the Stroke Association in the community' this talk that was well received from Dr Caroline Moore who is Professor of Urology at University College who gave her story of how she was now a head of a team leading cancer research into prostate cancer. She also related her early days as being sponsored by the Freemasons Research Fellowship.

The lodge now has well over 50 members from all walks of life, Company Directors, County Councillors, Solicitors, Police Officers, Communication Consultant and Optometrist, and various joining members from Lodges around the country. The Metropolitan Grand Almoner, his assistants and a large number of Almoner Liaison Officers are all members of the lodge. A number of Visiting volunteers are also members. We take in widows from lodges that have been erased and look after their welfare until such time as a lodge can be found ‘to adopt a widow’ and look after them within their own lodge structure.

The lodge has recently been approached to accomodate elderley masons whose lodges have been erased to make them honorary members of Florence Nightingale, this not only ensures their welfare but also allows them to continue their enjoyment of Royal Arch Masonry should they so desire.

The lodge has also taken under it’s remit the Pre Loved Regalia scheme which was set up to collect donated regalia and sell on this second hand regalia at affordable prices to the brethren with all profits being donated to the Masonic Charity Foundation and at the present time over £25,000 has been raised for the MCF.

For the future the lodge will continue to grow and progress forward in continuing the good work of Almoners throughout London and the Provinces by providing much needed help and advice to all our brethren and dependents who so desperately need this assistance and liaising with the Masonic Charity Foundation to ensure that this is achieved.

For further information contact the Secretary, Bob Tuthill -
e: secretary@florencenightingale-thealmonerslodge.org.uk

Affiliated Membership
For members of other lodges who wish to attend Florence Nightingale Lodge with a view to visiting up to three times a year to listen to the various speakers and lectures at the lodge. Affiliate Members must be in good standing and have a host (Member of Florence Nightingale Lodge) to act as their sponsor.

Click here to download the Affiliated Membership Form.

Monday 20th January 2025 at 4.30pm
A Talk from Laura Heath

National Training Officer of the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity entitled: 'Understanding ADHD’. This covers ADHD behaviours, some facts and figures.

Squiggle Latest

Understanding ADHD : A Talk by Laura Heath

Understanding ADHD : A Talk by Laura Heath

A most interesting talk covering ADHD behaviours as well as some facts and figures - click here to read more

Details of our new Wellman Connected Programme - Click here for more
