Adopt a Widow
We need more Lodges and Chapters to come forward to join (taken out take up) the Adopt a Widow Project by adopting a displaced Masonic widow. Contact Mike Halford.
All Lodge and Chapter Almoners are encouraged to attend the Almoner Training Workshops. Indeed all Freemasons are welcome. We also run Almoner Liaison Officer (ALO) courses for Almoners who would like to progress their Almoner career.
Is it Alms, Charity or any other collection?
The question has been raised and the answer below applies equally to monies raised in the Lodge or Chapter, as well as at the Festive Board.
It is important for all concerned to know what any money collection is for. It may be for an Appeal, it may be for one of the four main Masonic Charities or it could be for something specific to the Lodge or Chapter which does not involve a payment to a Registered Charity. Whichever cause you are aiming to support does not matter in general terms. What does matter is that everyone concerned is informed and has the opportunity to make a decision about contributing.
It is wise to have an account (what you call it is up to the Lodge or Chapter) which enables payment to made both to Registered Charities as well as payments to widows or other similar domestic requirements of the Lodge or Chapter. Only monies destined to be given to Registered Charities should be paid into the Relief Chest, with the maximum use of Gift Aid being desirable, other amounts should be held in a bank account. Lodges and Chapters will run their operations slightly differently to each other, but all should make it very clear what each collection or raffle is for.
We need more Lodges and Chapters to come forward to join (taken out take up) the Adopt a Widow Project by adopting a displaced Masonic widow. Contact Mike Halford.
All Lodge and Chapter Almoners are encouraged to attend the Almoner Training Workshops. Indeed all Freemasons are welcome. We also run Almoner Liaison Officer (ALO) courses for Almoners who would like to progress their Almoner career.
Is it Alms, Charity or any other collection?
The question has been raised and the answer below applies equally to monies raised in the Lodge or Chapter, as well as at the Festive Board.
It is important for all concerned to know what any money collection is for. It may be for an Appeal, it may be for one of the four main Masonic Charities or it could be for something specific to the Lodge or Chapter which does not involve a payment to a Registered Charity. Whichever cause you are aiming to support does not matter in general terms. What does matter is that everyone concerned is informed and has the opportunity to make a decision about contributing.
It is wise to have an account (what you call it is up to the Lodge or Chapter) which enables payment to made both to Registered Charities as well as payments to widows or other similar domestic requirements of the Lodge or Chapter. Only monies destined to be given to Registered Charities should be paid into the Relief Chest, with the maximum use of Gift Aid being desirable, other amounts should be held in a bank account. Lodges and Chapters will run their operations slightly differently to each other, but all should make it very clear what each collection or raffle is for.