Applications made to the MCF can take many weeks to progress; however, there are cases where urgent action to relieve distress needs to be taken quickly. MAF aims to provide this emergency relief for the applicant, allowing time for the MCF to assess the longer-term requirements.
Initially, the member's Lodge or Chapter will be at the forefront of any help provided. MAF will support an application and where appropriate provide rapid supplementary assistance.
How to apply for MAF -an application to MAF should be made via your Almoner Liaison Officer (ALO) using the current MAF Application Form (Click on link below to obtain a copy). Once the form has been completed and signed it must be forwarded to your ALO for checking. When done, he in-turn will forward the document to your Assistant to the Metropolitan Grand Almoner and then to the MAF trustees for consideration. If the application is successful a grant will be raised and distributed within a few days.
This addition to our existing Metropolitan Almoner service is designed to assist Lodges and Chapters support their members and dependants at times of greatest need. This clearly is good news, and those eligible for support from the Metropolitan Almoners Fund are encouraged to apply.
Instructions on completing a MAF form
For information and instructions for completing the Metropolitan Almoners Form (MAF) please read thoroughly the information contained in the visual presentation.
Click here to download the pdf presentation.
Click here to download the Metropolitan Almoners Fund Application Form.