Our workshop programme has been updated and now consists of two workshops.
The Almoner Workshop
The first workshop is the main workshop for Lodge and Chapter Almoners and is referred to as The Almoner workshop. On successful completion of the workshop and having completed a short assessment you will be presented with your Certificate of Achievement by the Metropolitan Grand Almoner.
The Almoner Workshop is an excellent platform for Almoners looking to become more proactive and effective in their approach to the office and will focus on the role of the Almoner including basic record keeping. It also focuses on the Almoners reporting in open lodge. The workshop will also include details and guidance when dealing with our charities and applying for grants.
The Almoner Liaison Officer Workshop
The second workshop in our workshop programme is the ALO workshop which is designed specifically for those Almoners who would like to take on the role of Almoner Liaison Officer. This workshop will focus on the administrative side of the role including how to promote successful grant applications with our charities.
Almoner Workshops are not just for new Almoners
Attendance is open to non-Almoners as awareness of the role is key to providing the correct level of support to all Freemasons and their dependents.
The Almoner Webinar
Please click on the presentation below to view the new Almoner Webinar which gives you a good insight into the Almoner's Workshop. Webinars will be held at various times throughout the year to assist hose brethren who are unable to travel to London to attend an Almoner Workshop, the Webinar will include questions on the presentation to enable Almoners to receive their Almoners Certificate of Achievement and the Almoners lapel pin to indicate they have successfully attended the Almoners Course.
As this is quite a large file it may take some minutes to download.
The Almoner Workshop
The first workshop is the main workshop for Lodge and Chapter Almoners and is referred to as The Almoner workshop. On successful completion of the workshop and having completed a short assessment you will be presented with your Certificate of Achievement by the Metropolitan Grand Almoner.
The Almoner Workshop is an excellent platform for Almoners looking to become more proactive and effective in their approach to the office and will focus on the role of the Almoner including basic record keeping. It also focuses on the Almoners reporting in open lodge. The workshop will also include details and guidance when dealing with our charities and applying for grants.
The Almoner Liaison Officer Workshop
The second workshop in our workshop programme is the ALO workshop which is designed specifically for those Almoners who would like to take on the role of Almoner Liaison Officer. This workshop will focus on the administrative side of the role including how to promote successful grant applications with our charities.
Almoner Workshops are not just for new Almoners
Attendance is open to non-Almoners as awareness of the role is key to providing the correct level of support to all Freemasons and their dependents.
The Almoner Webinar
Please click on the presentation below to view the new Almoner Webinar which gives you a good insight into the Almoner's Workshop. Webinars will be held at various times throughout the year to assist hose brethren who are unable to travel to London to attend an Almoner Workshop, the Webinar will include questions on the presentation to enable Almoners to receive their Almoners Certificate of Achievement and the Almoners lapel pin to indicate they have successfully attended the Almoners Course.
As this is quite a large file it may take some minutes to download.