Florence Nightingale Lodge No.706
Understanding ADHD : A Talk by Laura Heath
Understanding Dementia
Florence Nightingale Lodge were given a talk on understanding ADHD

On Monday 20th January, Laura Heath, National Training Officer of the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity kindly attended our meeting and gave a most interesting talk entitled 'Understanding ADHD’. The talk covered ADHD behaviours as well as some facts and figures.

Understanding ADHD : A Talk by Laura Heath This is a link for a viewable version of Laura’s presentation from the day. Viewers don't need to log in or make an account, just click the blue 'Present' button in the middle of the screen and then use the arrow keys on their keyboard to navigate forwards and backwards through the presentation:

Click here to see the presentation

Here are links to some of the resources used in the presentation:

Information Booklets - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation The adult booklet has a self-assessment section that can be useful to see if it could be worth pursuing a potential diagnosis. There are also booklets designed for teenagers, children, teachers, and parents.

The Umbrella Gang Comics - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation comics designed for children, covering Neurodiversity (ADHD Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia).

Access To Work : details the Gov funding available to adults with any disability.

Neurodiversity in the workplace : A free E-Booklet and Training Guide for Business. A good primer on neurodiversity and workplace adjustments to help neurodivergent employees thrive at work.

Thank you to Laura Heath for taking the time to come and give us this most informative talk.

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