Pre-loved Regalia was formed in October 2015 in support of the Metropolitan Almoner’s Fund (MAF) initiative which is funded by the Metropolitan Masonic Charity (MMC). The MAF was ushered in by the Metropolitan Grand Almoner at the time W.Bro. Peter Huddleston. It was designed as a swiftly accessible resource available for Freemasons in financial difficulty to an upper limit of £1,500 and dispensed on a match funded basis in tandem with the applicant Lodge or Chapter.

Pre-loved Regalia will process any item of regalia from any Masonic Order, in fact we would go as far as to say that any Masonic item with any potential value can be sold on the Preloved website. This includes Lodge Furniture, Working Tools, Old Books of Constitutions, indeed anything of interest you can associate with Freemasonry could be found on the website.
Pre-loved Regalia's expenses are minimal, there is an annual fee associated with maintaining the website and purchased items have to be packaged and posted, these are the only deductions from what is donated to the Metropolitan Masonic Charity by Preloved Regalia.
In general Pre-loved Regalia supplies individual Freemasons with affordable regalia but it is also no stranger to supplying Lodges and Chapters with bulk orders.
Following its formation in 2015 the custodians of Pre-loved Regalia were Darrel Palmer and Colin Ring who held the fort until December 2019 when the reins were handed over to Martin Vidler and Bill Dowley.
Since its inception Pre-loved Regalia has donated in excess of £25,000 to the Metropolitan Masonic Charity.
The good work continues!

Pre-loved Regalia will process any item of regalia from any Masonic Order, in fact we would go as far as to say that any Masonic item with any potential value can be sold on the Preloved website. This includes Lodge Furniture, Working Tools, Old Books of Constitutions, indeed anything of interest you can associate with Freemasonry could be found on the website.
Pre-loved Regalia's expenses are minimal, there is an annual fee associated with maintaining the website and purchased items have to be packaged and posted, these are the only deductions from what is donated to the Metropolitan Masonic Charity by Preloved Regalia.
In general Pre-loved Regalia supplies individual Freemasons with affordable regalia but it is also no stranger to supplying Lodges and Chapters with bulk orders.
Following its formation in 2015 the custodians of Pre-loved Regalia were Darrel Palmer and Colin Ring who held the fort until December 2019 when the reins were handed over to Martin Vidler and Bill Dowley.
Since its inception Pre-loved Regalia has donated in excess of £25,000 to the Metropolitan Masonic Charity.
The good work continues!