Florence Nightingale Lodge No.706
Finding the words
Finding the words
How to support someone who has been bereaved and affected by suicide

We have added Finding the words - How to support someone who has been bereaved and affected by suicide to the downloads available to help Lodge Almoners.

Few people like to talk about death, and many of us feel awkward around someone who has been bereaved, even if they’re a good friend or close colleague. We want to help, but worry about saying the wrong thing. Sometimes we can put off contacting them, and before long it may seem too late to say anything at all.

Alongside our uncertainty over how we should react to a bereavement, is the fact that people bereaved by suicide have significantly less chance of receiving support from friends and family, and there are limited suicide bereavement support services across the country.

This guide contains useful and practical advice on:
  • Why suicide is a unique loss
  • Things to remember
  • Everyone grieves differently
  • Things to say and do
  • Things to avoid
  • Finding help

We hope this short guide will make you feel more comfortable about reaching out to someone bereaved by suicide.

Click here to download.

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